
Accreditations and Affiliations


Oriana House is committed to excellence at all levels of care and services provided. We are accredited, certified, licensed, or regulated by these independent agencies and organizations:


Oriana House has a recognized history of leadership in community corrections across Ohio, the United States, and internationally. We are proud to be active members in professional associations that promote and establish best practices based on research to reduce recidivism, improve public health and safety, and help people change their lives through compassionate community corrections and behavioral health services.

In addition to membership, Oriana House staff hold these leadership positions in these organizations:

American Correctional Association - Member of the Board of Governors: Mike Randle, Oriana House Executive Vice President of Operations.

International Community Justice Association – Vice President and Community Corrections Board of Directors and President Elect: Mike Randle, Oriana House Executive Vice President of Operations.

National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice, Cleveland Affiliate – Chair: Nyisha Stewart, Oriana House Staff Development and Programming Manager. Vice Chair: Ashly Wells, Oriana House Grants/Compliance Manager. Secretary: Stacy Turney, Oriana House Lead Transition Specialist. Membership Co-Chairs: Mackey Bonner, Oriana House Operations Supervisor, ADM Crisis Center.

National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice, Ohio Chapter– State Treasurer: Stephanie DeVincent, Oriana House Program Administrator, North Star Neighborhood Reentry Resource Center.

Ohio Community Corrections Association – President-Elect: Jason Varney, Oriana House Vice President, Correctional Programs in North Central and Southeast Ohio.

Ohio Justice Alliance for Community Corrections – Executive Committee Member: Mike Randle, Oriana House Executive Vice President of Operations. Collaborative Committee Member representing the Ohio Community Corrections Association: Jason Varney, Oriana House Vice President, Correctional Programs in North Central and Southeast Ohio.