
Success Stories

Every day our staff and clients are making choices, doing hard work, and demonstrating that recovery is possible and lives can be rebuilt following even the most difficult circumstances.

Be inspired by the hope of these individuals who have completed their programming, are in long term recovery, and are forging new paths into their future.


Stephanie's recovery story is one that she shares frequently to let others know that there is always hope. Multiple interactions with the courts; homelessness; placing her children up for adoption; and treatment that involved successes and relapses culminated in a personal journey that equipped Stephanie to be a beacon to others who are facing similar battles. The ways Stephanie helps our clients and individuals and families in the community who are affected by the disease of addiction is an inspiration to us all.


Dylan says the treatment he went through at Oriana House helped him address his disease of addiction and taught him how to deal with the things that led him into using drugs in the first place. Restored relationships with his family, marriage, and a beautiful young daughter are his priorities and source of joy now. Additionally, Dylan stays busy by giving back through coordinating recovery events and resources in the community. Dylan's outreach to others is an amazing picture of how recovery is the beginning of something so much more powerful than addiction.


Courtney went from being homeless and struggling with the disease of addiction to having a home, her children back in her life, and employment in the community where she helps others who are experiencing homelessness. Courtney says her life is proof that it is never too late for recovery.


Tara had reached the point in her disease of addiction where her love of drugs superseded everything else in her life, including her role as a mother. Through treatment at Oriana House Tara learned that she could correct her thinking errors, that her brain needed time to recover from the damage caused by addiction, and steps she could take to rebuild her family and her life. Now a licensed chemical dependency treatment counselor, Tara has chosen a career helping others through a business she owns and operates, and her relationships with her daughter and her parents are the utmost blessings in her life.


Kenny’s recovery stemmed from becoming a dad and his desire to be sober for his daughter. He actively mentors individuals who are in Oriana House programs and elsewhere in the recovery community and is the founder of Just A Dad From Akron, a clothing brand/movement that creates positive, inspiring messages and organizes outreach, support, and resource events.


As a requirement of his probation, Vaughn spent almost two years participating in treatment and programming as part of the Turning Point Specialty Drug Court. He says that by seizing all the opportunities the program offered he was able to change everything that needed changed in his life, one thing at a time. Now Vaughn mentors others who are going through Turning Point.


A mother of three boys and sober since 2016, Shannon says life is busy and filled with family, full time work, and church. While a client at Oriana House, Shannon said staff always encouraged and counseled her, while keeping her accountable in her sobriety and teaching her how to navigate life and reach towards people and things that are helpful and not harmful.


Overcoming addiction that led to prison and then Oriana House as part of community reentry, Robert’s path now includes a rewarding career as the fleet manager of a trucking company. Robert has made it a priority to offer professional training and employment opportunities to others who are in situations similar to what he went through.


Anton says what worked best for his recovery was being able to talk with other people who could relate firsthand to what he was experiencing. Now Anton is offering that same lived experience as a Peer Recovery Supporter who helps many others on their road to recovery. He knows there are different pathways to recovery and is grateful that Oriana House helped him find his way so he is able to help others.